How to take care of your health in spring season

By: Dr. Pradeep Neupane (B.A.M.S.)

Clinical Director

According to Ayurvedic philosophy, the warmth of spring starts melting the

accumulated kapha from winter which starts liquefying and running out of the

body. This is why people tend to get spring colds. At the same time, booming

flowers shed their pollen, which can also aggravate kapha types or people with

accumulated kapha, creating hay fever and allergies.

In terms of Dosa conditions, Kapha dosa is predominant in early spring and

pitta dosa  is predominant in late spring.

The following are general recommendations for Spring. However, people with a

specific Ayurvedic regime should follow their practitioner’s advice.

Daily Routine

In spring it is advisable to get up early and go out for a walk. After brushing the

teeth and scraping the tongue, it is good to rub sesame or sunflower oil all over

the body and take a warm shower. Yoga asanas to soothe kapha can follow,

such as the sun salutation, bridge, boat, bow, locust, camel, cobra, lion, and cat

poses, as well as spinal twists. Simple pranayama may follow the yoga session

before meditation, which is good to practice on a regular basis, regardless of the


Good types of exercise for this season are hiking, walking and light

weightlifting, as well as other more vigorous forms that help to burn kapha.

Even though spring feels warmer as the days go by, it is not advised to start

swimming until the weather gets hot, as in late spring.

Naps aggravate kapha and slow digestion, so they should be avoided. As the

days get longer and the activity increases, staying up later than usual is okay,

but never in excess. Night time in spring is usually cool, so remember to stay

warm and dry, and avoid sudden changes in temperature, as well as air-

conditioned places.

Seasonal Diet

To prevent kapha from increasing, during this season it is best to avoid heavy,

oily foods and to minimize the intake of sour, salty, and sweet tastes. One

should eat more foods with bitter, pungent, and astringent tastes. Dairy products

should also be avoided, with the exception of small amounts of ghee. If you

follow a non-vegetarian diet, stay away from beef and other red meat, lamb,

pork, duck, tuna, and seafood. Chicken, turkey, fish, and eggs are better choices.

Grains and fruits that aggravate kapha and should be taken in less amount are:

wheat, white rice (except for basmati), urud dal, bleached flour, white bread,

most forms of pasta, avocados, coconut, melons, cucumbers, bananas, sweet

potatoes, pumpkin, and squash.

Good grains for this season are: amaranth, corn, millet, tapioca, barley, rye, oat

bran, and buckwheat. Legumes such as garbanzo and pinto beans, red lentils,

and split peas help decrease kapha dosha.

The best fruits are: apples, peaches, berries, cherries, red or dark grapes,

apricots, and raisins. And the best vegetables for kapha are, amongst others,

artichokes, carrots, asparagus, spinach, okra, leafy greens, radish, and beets.

Ginger cinnamon tea with honey is a good beverage to pacify kapha. Most

sweeteners aggravate kapha, but honey and molasses in small amounts are okay.

Please note that honey should never be cooked, as it becomes toxic and clogs

the nadis (subtle channels). It should be added to the tea when it has cooled

down a bit. Also, because there have been reports of botulism associated with

honey, it is important to make sure that it is totally organic and raw. Kapha

types or people with accumulated kapha should drink a cup of hot water with a

teaspoon of raw honey to eliminate excessive kapha and ama (toxic food


Large, heavy meals should be avoided. It is best to have three small, light meals

and stay away from cold drinks and ice cream. Digestive Ayurvedic wines, such

as asavas or draksha, can be taken to improve digestion.

Spring and Rejuvenation

Doesn’t it feel like spring is the real beginning of the year, when birth and

rebirth are in the atmosphere and everything in nature starts sprouting and


It is a great time to enjoy nature, start a flower or vegetable garden, as well as to

cleanse and rejuvenate with Ayurvedic therapies and an individualized regime

to prevent health issues as the year goes on and the seasons change.

Spring is the best time to do panchakarma (Ayurvedic purification procedures-

Detox) to remove all the excess kapha and ama (toxic food by products), as well

as all the stagnation from winter, and prevent health problems for the rest of the



Also, there are some specific Ayurvedic herbs to help you fight against spring

hay-fever and allergies. Ayurvedic therapeutic massage and Sirodhara (oil

treatment on fore-head) is also recommended to overcome the spring seasonal

issues and improve the immunity.

As spring moves into summer, and the days get hotter, pitta starts to increase.

So, pitta types or people with a pitta imbalance can avoid further aggravation in

the summer by doing panchakarma in the spring as well.

For this season, we are offering $45 discount on the initial consultation if you

book your detox program during the consultation. During this consult, our

experienced Ayurvedic doctor will find out the possible imbalances in your

body and mind and develop a special detox program for you.

Our Detox Program is completely individualised which may depend on your

body-type and toxicity level in the tissues which will be decided during the


Dr. Pradeep Neupane (B.A.M.S.) is a Clinical Director at Vibrant Ayurveda

Wellness Center.

He can be contacted at-

Ph: 7-38462272, 0452506389

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